
Monday, April 15, 2019

Why Was God so Important to Descartes Essay Example for Free

Why Was graven image so Important to Descartes EssayWhy is graven image so important to Descartes philosophical project in the Meditations? Answer with reference to Descartes attempts to prove the existence of perfection in Meditation 3. The existence of God has an extreme influence on the majority of philosophical debate and skeptical and no more so than with Descartes and his meditations. His meditations and his method of approaching philosophical questioning all derive from a rationalist ideology. Therefore he argues that all gentlemans be thinking beings and have ideas prior to suffer due to their intellectual existence and not of a sensual one. His meditations ar primarily to dismiss charlatanism and to reveal that doubt is necessary to our life. Perhaps even to warn us of the dangers of our feature deceitfulness and not to trust anything forced upon us by our perceptions. That is why God is so important to his meditations as Descartes believes God is perfect and slewnot be deceived and cannot fail us at that placefore in his trust we do not take up to doubt. Descartes believes the starting point of anything is in the thinkers mind. In his third meditation he examples the thinkers scratch line starting point of idea to suggest the existence of God.If they have the idea of God, then the features and attri only whenes we have of him, he must have and therefore exist. His line of thought is evidently anti- empiricism, proven further by his narrative The existence of God would be obvious if we werent distracted by life in the sensational world. And the knowledge of God saves us from doubt about other things we are certain of. This gives an insight into why Descartes relies so heavily on the God in his meditations. It seems he uses God to support his meditations and uses God as a solution to his philosophy of doubt.God is vital as he is the answer to Descartes most decomposable ideas on doubt and enables him to preach Gods capability t o relieve us of doubt exactly further more he want to reveal to us that God is the priming for all issuance , for our existence and he cannot do this by suggesting God is manifestly a product of our own imagination, he has to prove that he is real. It could be suggested the reason that Descartes is so determined to prove God is not patently a device created in his mind, is to give some sort of insight into how we were brought into existence.He is certain that there must be a creator to something as complex as the human race and that we simply couldnt come from nothing. He uses an ancient Greek philosophy to reinforce his argument that nothing can create nothing and there is most definitely a cause and that cause is God. God is the reason we have the idea of God and therefore he is he reason to our entirety of our own ideologies. This gives further insight into why God is so important to Descartes it provides the first starting point to his philosophy of the human thought and co mforts his doubts surrounding the deceptiveness of our own mind.With the perfection that God bestows and being the creator of our own mind then it surely can help us -with the truth and perfection of God- overcome the falsities of our senses. It alike reassures us that our inherited knowledge cannot lead us to falseness as it has been gifted to us by God and therefore this helps Descartes claim that his philosophical debate is truthful as it came from his knowledge via God who never deceives.However in meditation 4, Descartes insists that we posses independent perceptions that potentially and theoretically always hold truth that only depending on our own free will and if we abide by it properly can we use our perception correctly. We can use a criteria to distinguish what is true or false in our perceptions and this is ability and its validity is insured by God but only in accordance with ourselves and our will to choose correctly. So, he is saying that we can still fall into erro r by misjudgement or even ignorance but if we are patient and summarise and judge all situation we should avoid any mistakes in life.Descartes uses God and his tolerance of error to further prophesise his anti epistemologist line of thought. He proposes that we diagnose errors in our perceptions of representations, as we are easily deceived by false representations that are either non-existent or false. It is through misjudging these representations that we make errors. Yet this weakness in us is vital in testing our souls we must have the choice to do deplorable and to make mistakes in order to measure our will power to fall into error as comminuted as possible.By doing so we can prove ourselves to either be good or gloomy , worthy of reward or punishment. Descartes proposes that God enabled this free will to help us to a fault make our own decisions and become righteous by our own means. This suggests why God is so vital to the meditations he creates us with the many perfecti ons of himself but does make us culpable of wrong doing and free of will to resolve how we live our lives. So Gods existence is to help us and guide us in a rightful way but not carry us.Therefore the meditations have more immensity than before as they now are not simply methods that we must accept as instigate of our way of living, we are not forced upon them. We can in fact choose to follow them or not, we may take the risk of ignoring them and facing the consequences but that according to Descartes is Gods will, therefore his meditations are Gods will and further heightening Gods importance on his meditations. God is clearly deeply important to Descartes as he provides his only proof of how we came to existence but also why and how we live our lives the way we do.Also God is integral in his whole argument regarding dismissing empiricism and insisting that we have the means to live a meaningful and good life but in spite of the ability , we must also be righteous in our choic es in life. Bibliography Search for a order in Meditations Flage, Daniel E. (Routledge), 03/1999 A learn OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF DESCARTES, The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. 18, No. E. H. (Penn State University PressStable 3 July, 1884), Descartes Meditations, Francks, Richard ( Continuum world(prenominal) Publishing ), 07/2008 Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy, Trans.Donald A. Cress (Cambridge Hackett), 1998 Starting with Descartes, Prado, C. G. (Continuum supranational Publishing,06/2009), 1 . A Search for a Method in Meditations Flage, Daniel E. (Routledge), 03/1999, p. g 252 2 . A Search for a Method in Meditations Flage, Daniel E. (Routledge), 03/1999 p. g 181 3 . Descartes Meditations, Francks, Richard ( Continuum International Publishing ), 07/2008, p. g 150 4 . Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy, Trans. Donald A. Cress (Cambridge Hackett), 1998, p. g 69 5 .Starting with Descartes, Prado, C. G. (Continuum International Publishing,06 /2009), p. g86 6 . Starting with Descartes, Prado, C. G. (Continuum International Publishing,06/2009), p. g85 7 . A raft OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF DESCARTES, The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. 18, No. E. H. (Penn State University PressStable 3 July, 1884),p. g 230 8 . A VIEW OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF DESCARTES, The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. 18, No. E. H. (Penn State University PressStable 3 July, 1884),p. g 230 9 . Starting with Descartes, Prado, C. G. (Continuum International Publishing,06/2009), p. g110.

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